Identifying RNA Pseudouridine sites using Random Forest and NCP-encoded features
Parameter LAB.BIO.IPSEUNCP(option, seq) 1. option : must be H | S | M, mean H. sapiens, S. cerevisiae, M. musculus in FASTA format 2. seq : the RNA sequences need to be queried. Eg. GCUAAACAGGUACUGCUGGGC
Returns The RNA of the input plus symbol +/- to mark the nucleoit after is positive or negative correlatively. Positive (+): RNA segments has a uridine at the center position that can be pseudouridylated. Negative (-): RNA segments has a uridine at the center position that cannot be pseudouridylated.
Author: Nguyễn Hồng Quang The computing process is implemented and run on the website of Dr. Nguyen Hong Quang. View the original. Redistribution is permitted.
Parameter LAB.SMILES2IMAGE(SMILES, [ShapeName], [ResultText], [Offset] ) 1. SMILES: Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System to render image. E.g: "COc(c1)cccc1C#N" 2. ShapeName: Unique name of the shape shows image. If the name existed, that shape will be reused and replace by the new image. In case you skip this parameter, ShapeName is named the cell's address, such as Sheet1!A3. 3. ResultText: Text to show as a result in the formula cell. Default is the SMILES. 4. Offset: Move the image to the next cell on the right to prevent dulicating shape when copying the current cell. Default = 1.